Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

When considering the topic of poverty and hunger, many Americans look outside the borders of the United States. However, food insecurity is an issue that plagues millions of American households each year. The United States Department of Agriculture found that 14.5% of American households faced food insecurity during 2012. These households were defined as having â€Å"difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources† (Nord, Singh, Coleman-Jensen). This is a problem that affects the nation entirely. However, there are some states that have a significantly larger population facing food insecurity. Many, but not all, of these states lie in the South Eastern region of the United States. Mississippi and Arkansas both have over 19.5% of their populations facing food insecurity (â€Å"Hunger and Poverty Statistics†). The US has been facing food security issues since its establishment. However, the problem began to draw immense public attention during the Great Depression. While there was not one sole focusing event, the images of bread lines and the millions of starving Americans caused policy makers to begin drafting legislation to alleviate these issues. This issue of hunger moved from the systematic agenda into the institutional agenda in May of 1939, when the first Food Stamp Program was piloted (â€Å"A Short History on SNAP†). However, this program became obsolete after just four years. It was not until 1961 that the federal government reinstituted a food distribution program. In fact, this was president John F. Kennedy’s first executive order (â€Å"A Short History on SNAP†). As time progressed, and political mood changed, many changes, modifications, and amendments have been made to the n... ... this policy, I would argue that the Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) is extremely useful and beneficial for the American Public. Personally, I believe that the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that the basic needs of its citizens, such as food security, are met. This program has been proven to be effective in reducing the burden of food insecurity on many families and individuals nationwide. After reviewing the costs and efficiency of the program, it is clear that there is very little oversight and administrative cost burden placed on taxpayers. In addition, with stringent policies against SNAP fraud and trafficking, taxpayers can be ensured that their money goes to those in need. After evaluating this policy on several criteria, I think that is extremely effective in accomplishing its goal of reducing food insecurity within the United States.

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